A simple cooling solution
Building architects and designers are being put under remarkable pressure to come up with new and innovative ways of buildings that conserve energy. The use of cooling units, like air conditioning as an example, consume an enormous amount of resources to run. As we start to experience shorter, yet hotter summers the need to cool our buildings naturally has become very important. What ways can the modern architect help with building design?
One of the quickest and easiest ways to create a cooler buldiner os to look to use more natural means of heat absorption. The greenest way to do this is by planting trees. Fully established trees are preferred. Trees are able to absorb a considerable amount of heat, it helps them to convert carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen.
Another way is to create shade. Shaded areas are always a few degrees cooler than the exposed parts. As the sunlight warms up stone and concrete the heat will rise and radiate. It can also pass through windows and heat them up as well. A shade placed on the side of the building, which is known asĀ Brise Soleil, can have a dramatic effect on the coolness of a building. Suppliers, like Aluminium Systems, are able to provide great examples of this architectural elegance. There are many examples of where corporations have used the technique to drastically reduce their buildings energy costs.
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