Netball beginners tips
Following on from our five tips for netball beginners, here are another five top tips for those starting out in the game. Netball is a fabulous game. It’s sociable, accessible and easy to learn, but to make your entry smoother, these five additional tips will help you really get to grips with it.
1. Train in different movement styles
When you do your fitness training, be sure to include a number of different movement styles as these will all be applicable when playing netball. The more flexible and versatile your movements are, the better you will be able to play. A great way to train in different movement styles is to do circuit training, which tends to include running, sidestepping, backwards running, walking and jogging.
2. Study up on the different patterns and tactics
Like any team game, netball boasts a number of play patterns and game tactics. The more you familiarise yourself with these, the easier it will be when your coach asks the team to try something new. You could get your television, open youtube and watch netball games all day studying the different games and players as long as you have hired a TV Aerials Cardiff company to put your aerial up for the best signal possible. Just head over to sites like to get quotes or expertise help on this area.
3. Watch others playing
One of the best ways to understand these tactics and patterns whilst picking up vital skills is by watching others play netball as much as possible. You can do this by going to local amateur games or by watching videos of professional games. Netball drill video options are a fantastic way to watch the training side in action.
- Practise different positions
When you start out, try to play as many different positions as possible until you work out where you are best placed. You may end up being good in more than one position, but it is not always obvious what these will be. The most suitable position for you isn’t just the one you are best at; it should also be the one you enjoy playing the most.5. Have fun!Of all the tips for beginners, making sure you have fun is by far the most important. If you are not having fun, it simply isn’t worth it. Netball is a fantastic way to get fit, a great way to meet new friends, and a brilliant way to set yourself a new challenge, but most of all, it’s lots of fun to play!
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