Three CV tips to Help you Stand out

Estimated read time 2 min read

One of the things that you need to do when you are looking for a change of career or a new job, is to update your CV. For most people this is something that we are a bit out of practice at, so before you go ahead and get stuck in it is a good idea to remind ourselves of the right way to write a CV and avoid rookie mistakes.

Whether you are writing a CV that is for one specific employer, or sending it over to a specialist recruitment agency such as this procurement recruitment agency a good CV is your first step in being noticed, and ultimately getting that new job…

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Make sure that your spelling and grammar are correct. This is something that can be easily missed when you are writing it but counts for a lot, as a prospective employer wants to know that you are thorough and pay attention to detail. So, make sure you re-read and spellcheck that CV, and even get a trusted family member or friend to check it for you.

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Avoid over-used phrases – you want to stand out, don’t you? Many people will often use statements and phrases like ‘ I am a team player’ or ‘Good work ethic’. Think outside the box a bit and try to write honestly and differently in order to stand out.

Don’t lie – although it can be tempting to over exaggerate or lie to get the job, ultimately you will come un-stuck .Celebrate your achievements yes, but never lie on a CV.


The writer of this article currently manages his own blog moment for life and spread happiness and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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