How to hang pictures flawlessly

Estimated read time 5 min read

The paintings are certainly one of the most important furnishing accessories in a home as they enrich the spaces and give a decisive touch of personality to every room. However, hanging the paintings always causes some problems, since in most cases, no matter how hard you put in, you often find yourself with crooked hanging paintings! So how do you hang the pictures? How to be able to position them perfectly on the walls of the house?

How to hang pictures flawlessly?

The first thing to do before proceeding is obviously to carefully evaluate the place where you intend to hang the painting. There are many aspects to consider, such as the harmony between the painting and the rest of the furniture or the possibility of? Sacrifice? a part of the wall to the paintings, since it will not be possible to place furniture on it, at least not the vertical ones. After the first inspection, you must then decide how to hang the paintings; you can arrange them vertically to give more height to the room or horizontally to make the walls wider.

Evaluation of light and inclination

Once you have decided on the arrangement, move on to fix small cork circles behind each painting in the two lower corners and remember to arrange the paintings away from sources of direct lighting and with an inclination between 30 ° and 60 °. In case you want to hang the paintings on a completely empty wall, carefully evaluate the spaces you have available, arranging the paintings from the lower side to the upper one without ever starting from the center of the wall. If, on the other hand, you want to hang paintings of different sizes, both horizontally and vertically, then our suggestion is to always start from the largest painting, then consider this as the center around which the others will arrange themselves.

The right height (and useful tools)

Remember that the correct height at which to hang the paintings is generally around 1.6 meters. Once the height has been set, begin to fix the nails using a level but be careful in choosing the nails according to the weight of the picture. Before starting to hammer, mark with a felt-tip pen the precise point where you want to fix the nail; hold the nail still with your fingers in an oblique position and start hammering with precise and decisive blows, but be careful not to hurt yourself! In case you need to fix some anchors, equip yourself with an essential drill to obtain a hole with dimensions smaller than those of the anchor itself.

Hang pictures above the sofaHang pictures above the sofa

When it comes to hanging a picture, height is the first thing you need to pay attention to. In case we want to hang the paintings above the sofa, we need to calculate the right height. We leave the sofa attached to the wall, or very close to it. Now let’s arm ourselves with a meter to calculate the height of the sofa. We write down the measure and move on to the paintings. For example, if we have a frame of 20×30 cm, the height of the picture will correspond to 30 cm. The paintings must obviously be hung higher than the sofa. It starts from about 20 cm away, in order to prevent the frames from falling on our heads when we sit on the sofa. In addition to our safety, we must also think about the fact that the cadres must be visible. The sofa could cover the underside of them if we stick them too low.

Gather the cadres

Once we have established at what height we will hang our paintings above the sofa, we will begin to gather them. We take into account the measurements of each painting and write them down on a sheet. When we gather the works to be exhibited, we follow a mental scheme. We can put together paintings with the same colors or those that depict the same theme in different ways. Alternatively, we have the opportunity to match them based on the color or even the shape of the frame. Before hanging them, let’s place them on the floor and try to make a composition. At this stage, it is important to prepare a preliminary scheme to avoid detaching and reattaching one or more panels.

Choose a compositional style

After creating a starter composition, we can go one step further. Hanging the paintings above the sofa does not just mean installing paintings in the wake of standard composition. We must also choose a style to entrust to the arrangement of the paintings. For example, we could add some decorative accessory elements. Maybe colored ribbons or miniatures could create an interval between one painting and another. Let’s maybe try adding a round mirror or even a hand-painted tile. A wall light could give a retro effect to our composition, illuminating our favorite paintings. Alternatively, it would be nice to create a small shabby chic style mural that is then surrounded by the paintings. In short, we can give free rein to our imagination based on our preferences in terms of furnishing styles.

To avoid hitting the paintings, it is best to hang them at least 30 cm higher than the sofa. Drill the wall with nails only after creating the composition. Otherwise, the wall will be damaged.

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