How to download from YouTube online

Estimated read time 9 min read

Would you like to download some videos from YouTube but don’t want to install new programs on your PC? Nobody forces you to do it: now there are online services that work directly from the browser and allow you to do this in an extremely simple and fast way. Unfortunately, in many cases, their capacity is limited to extracting videos in standard definition or 720p, due to the technologies used by YouTube for movies in 1080p, 2K or 4K (which, on many services, can be withdrawn only without an audio track), but this does not make them uninteresting, on the contrary.

Do you want someone to recommend you? With great pleasure: there are many that could do for you, all free and that do not require registration to be used; I suggest you save them in bookmarks and always keep them “warm” for when you might need them. Then keep in mind that their operation is not guaranteed over time, so you would do well to save them all, so as to have “reserves” ready if the service you prefer should stop working.

As for the compatibility of the resources in question, there is no limitation relative to the browser or the operating system to be used: the services I’m about to talk to you, in fact, work with all the most popular browsing programs (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari etc.) and all operating systems. So, are you ready to find out how to download from YouTube online using them? Find all the instructions you need right below!

How to download from YouTube online for free

Let’s start with a review of “generic” services, which allow you to download videos from YouTube for free, taking them in various video and audio file formats.


noTube is one of the best online services that allow you to download videos from YouTube without using dedicated software. It also supports videos in Full HD format (keeping the audio track) and is very easy to use.

To use it, all you have to do is connect to its main page, paste the address of the YouTube video you want to download in the appropriate text field, select the output format you prefer (e.g. MP4, MP4 HD or MP3, for the audio track only) and click on the OK button.

At the end of the processing of the video (which should last a few seconds), a download button will appear which, if clicked, will allow you to get your file.


SaveFrom is a great service to download from YouTube online in an easy and fast way, without wasting time with configurations, subscriptions or whatever.

To use it, linked to its home page, paste the address of the movie to be downloaded in the bar located in the center of the screen and press it first on the button [>] and then on the item download video in browser, which appears next.

Finally, select a resolution and a format from those available in the drop-down menu that appears at the bottom (e.g. WebM 720p), click on the relevant download button and you’re done.

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ConvertFiles is another excellent service for downloading videos from YouTube. It allows you to download videos from the well-known Google portal and to convert them “on the fly” without using external software. To use it, linked to its home page and put a check mark next to or download it from.

Paste, therefore, the address of the video to be downloaded in the adjacent text field, select the desired output format from the Output format drop-down menu, indicate the quality in which to download the content from the relative drop-down menu and click on the Convert button , to start file conversion. You can choose from many different output formats: MP4; AVI; WMV; 3GP; MOV and others, as far as videos are concerned, or you can select the MP3 item and download only the audio track of the movie.

Wait a few seconds for the video to convert and download it to your computer, by clicking on Click here to go to the download page , then clicking right on ‘ address that appears at the center of the screen and selecting Save Link As from the menu that opens.

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9xbuddy is a free online service that allows you to download videos from YouTube and save them in MP4 format, even in HD resolution. It is extremely simple to use and requires no registration.

To be able to test its potential, linked to its main page, paste the URL of the YouTube video you want to download in the field located in the center of the screen and click on the Download button.

Next, scroll down the page, find the format in which you want to take the video, for example MP4 – 720P, and click on the relevant download button, in order to get your file.


If, in addition to downloading them, you also want to convert YouTube videos, trust ClipConvert: an online service that allows you to “capture” the videos on the Google home portal, transform them “on the fly” and download them in a wide range of audio formats / different videos. Its only limitation is that it does not allow you to download videos that include copyrighted music.

To find out how it works, link to its main page; enter the URL of the YouTube video you want to download in the bar located in the center of the screen and presses the Continue button.

Wait a few minutes for the connection to be processed by the site and set the format and resolution in which you want to download the video: you can choose between  MP4,  3GP,  AVI  and  MOV  as far as videos are concerned and between  MP3,  AAC and  M4A for audio.

Once you have set your preferences, presses the Start button; wait for the conversion to end and download the final video on your PC by clicking on the Download button. If present, remove the check mark from Download with accelerator and get recommendation offers (otherwise promotional software that serves no purpose will be downloaded to your computer).

How to download playlists from YouTube online

Is your intention to download a playlist from YouTube? In this case, you should contact the solutions listed below, which allow you to do just that without installing additional software on your PC. is one of the best sites for downloading videos from YouTube (and other popular online platforms). Among its many features, it offers the possibility of downloading entire playlists, extracting audio tracks from videos and taking videos in Full HD or even 4K. It’s free if you download up to 4 videos a day, otherwise you will have to sign up for a subscription that starts at $ 3.99 for 5 days of premium features. It also provides a limit of 30 minutes for the duration of the videos that can be downloaded: to bypass this limitation, an account must be created by clicking on the Sign Up button   located at the top right and filling in the form that appears on the screen.

That said, let’s move to action. To download a playlist from YouTube with, linked to the main page of the service and paste the address of the playlist (or single video) you want to download in the Enter URL field.

Next, wait for the playlist to be processed (it should take a few seconds) and select the videos to download by checking the numbered boxes: if you want to select all the videos, press the All box ; to select only some videos, instead, check the boxes of your interest while holding down the Shift key on the keyboard.

At this point, press the  Set Quality / Subtitle button located at the bottom right, in order to set the quality and the track of the subtitles of the videos to be downloaded for each video, and press the Download all button (also located at the bottom of right), to start processing.

At the end of the procedure, to download the videos on your PC, click on the arrow icon that appears next to their thumbnails.

How to download music from YouTube online

Would you like to take the audio track from a YouTube video but you don’t know which services to ask? Then try the online resources listed below: they should do just for you. Alternatively, try using the services I have already recommended before: some of them also support downloading YouTube videos in MP3 or M4A format.


As its name suggests quite easily, SaveMP3 is an online service that extracts the audio track of YouTube videos and converts it to MP3. It does not require registration and is extremely simple to use.

After connecting to its main page, all you have to do is paste the URL of the video you are interested in in the field located in the center of the screen and click on the Download now button.

Wait, therefore, for the movie to be processed and click on the Download MP3button, to get your song in MP3 format.


OFFMP3 is a site very similar to the one mentioned above, which allows you to extract the audio track from YouTube videos and save it as an MP3 file.

To use it, linked to its main page, paste the address of the video of your interest in the field located in the center of the screen and click first on the Download button and then on the Download MP3 button , to get your song.

Note: if the limitations of the online services that I have just mentioned seem to you excessive, you can turn to the “classic” programs to download videos from YouTube and solutions to download music from YouTube that I recommended you in other tutorials, which allow you to withdraw videos, music and playlists from YouTube with no particular limits, even at high resolutions.

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