It might amaze you to know that the heat and light that hits your face, left the sun’s surface a mere 8 minutes and nineteen seconds ago! Here are some ways you can harness the power of this incredible star:

  1. Clothes drying

Using a tumble dryer to dry clothes uses a large amount of energy. When the sun is shining, hang your clothes out to dry in the sunshine instead. The sun is a colossal nuclear reactor so it makes sense to use that power for useful things like drying your clothes.

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2. Grow your own food

What better way to harness the power of the sun than by growing your own fruit and veg? There are a huge number of things you can grow with soil and sunshine, including apples, peppers, salad items and tomatoes. Satisfying and economical, having a garden vegetable patch is the perfect way to use the sun.

3. Make your own electricity

With ever rising energy costs, many people are tempted by the ability to generate their own power. To find out more about how Solar Panel Installation Clevedon can benefit you, contact

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4. Home design

Passive home design harnesses the sun’s energy to reduce heating and lighting needs. By designing south facing windows and extra insulation on the north face, as well as creating an ability to store solar heat, architects can maximise the amount of light and heat that is produced naturally, thus reducing energy costs which result in a more eco-friendly property.

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