Healthy habits during confinement

Estimated read time 4 min read

Maintaining healthy habits during confinement is very difficult. Being isolated makes it difficult for us to maintain social relationships, diet and exercise routines. We discuss in this article some guidelines that can be implemented to make quarantine more bearable for our health.

The quarantine imposed by the coronavirus pandemic changed the lives of much of the world’s population. So much so, that it becomes very difficult to maintain healthy habits during confinement.

On the one hand, we have the alteration of routines. Our schedules inevitably change due to having to be inside our houses all day. Similarly, by not going out as much, we decrease our sun exposure and our stretches.

Food availability is not a minor issue. Restrictions on economic functioning affect the supply of fruits and vegetables, for example. Not to mention, perhaps, we make a single weekly purchase and try to put together a menu with just that.

Maintaining healthy habits during confinement becomes a titanic task, whether we live alone or as a group. There is a component of stress that is not negligible and is made up, in part, of the fear of getting sick.

We will share, in this article, some guidelines to maintain healthy habits during confinement.

Have social gatherings through devicesHealthy habits during confinement

Social relationships are basic for human beings. Therefore, a healthy habit during confinement will be to maintain communication with others, both inside the home and outside, taking advantage of technological mechanisms.

Video calls, instant messaging and conference applications are allies that can help us. We do not have to interpret them as enemies, but quite the opposite. The feeling of being accompanied by the crisis can make the quarantine more bearable.

Protect eye healthHealthy habits during confinement

Due to teleworking or what we mentioned in the previous point, the use of screens increases during confinement. This is capable of affecting our visual health and we must be vigilant.

A healthy habit during quarantine will be to take prudent steps to ensure that the displays are adequately bright and do not receive many reflections from artificial light or windows. The correct brightness makes our eyes less tired and allows them to blink frequently.

The intensive use of screens leads to less flickering, which complicates the lubrication of the eyeball. This leads to dry eye syndrome. It is not a minor pathological entity since if it is perpetuated over time it can progress towards more serious forms.

A good tip is to implement the 20-20-20 rule of ophthalmologists, who suggest resting your eyesight every 20 minutes, for about 20 seconds, looking 6 meters away -20 feet in the Anglo-Saxon measurement system. This should be done by adults and children.

Caring for the skin with healthy habits during confinement

By staying indoors for so long and without external exposure, our skin does not receive an adequate amount of sunlight. This results in a lower production of vitamin D.

Vitamin D is linked to bone health, kidney health, and skin vitality. Under normal conditions, the body uses the ultraviolet rays of solar radiation to form active and functional vitamin D with its benefits.

Quarantine takes away the possibility of going outside, although it would be a healthy habit to seek sunlight. If we have a patio, we have to schedule short stays there; Similarly, if we have a balcony. In case none of these options is viable, an alternative is to spend time next to the windows.

If we have moisturizers, we must use them, even if we think we do not need them. Perhaps we assume that being indoors protects our skin, but the truth is that the internal environment of a house has many dermal toxins, such as perfumes, cleaning products, and kitchen vapors.

Manage stress

The pandemic is a stressful situation in itself. We are afraid of the unknown, of not being able to estimate how long the confinement will last, and of getting sick, of course.

Part of stress management involves establishing a routine that helps our circadian rhythm. This routine cannot ignore the hours of sleep, which we should try not to alter, although the days are made different by the confinement.

It is also a healthy habit to regulate the consumption of information. We can suffer from exaggerated nervousness if we are only aware of confirmed cases and deaths. Also, many hoaxes and myths circulate that we have to know how to differentiate.

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