Keeping Skin Beautiful

Estimated read time 2 min read

While we all know that true beauty is more than skin deep, beautiful skin can be an instant confidence boost and a clear and telling reflection of our age, health, and stress levels. Your skin is the largest organ of your body and a lifelong investment. It is important to protect and pamper it. So here are a few key considerations for keeping your skin in optimal condition.


Not only does a balanced and varied diet make us feel better, but the benefits are reflected in our skin too. Toxins from fatty foods, excessive alcohol, or allergies that we may not be aware of can surface as persistent dryness or oiliness, rosacea, or even adult acne. If your condition worsens, see a dermatologist such as those recommended by the British Association of Dermatologists. Emphasise green leafy vegetables and berries that are rich in antioxidants in your diet to ensure a glow that comes from the inside-out.


It is a common misconception that sunscreen needs only be worn in hot or sunny climates, but in reality the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays can penetrate even thick cloud and are often exacerbated by overcast conditions, not lessened by them. If you want to ensure younger looking skin for longer, then investing in a high SPF and wearing it every day—even in winter—is one of the most effective preventative measures. Be sure to choose your sunscreen from a reputable and regulated brand, however, as some of the claims can be exaggerated as reported by the BBC.

Shaping Up

Exercise and muscle tone can both contribute to a beautiful skin but it can become difficult to maintain later in life, particularly after having a family. Many women experience stretch marks or excess skin and consider having cosmetic surgery. Refresh Cosmetic Surgery are experts in abdominoplasty and are based in Essex, for example, and there are nationwide options available for those not looking for abdominoplasty in Essex. It is important not to feel under pressure to conform to everyone’s standard of beauty and to simply feel comfortable in your own skin, but for some that can include taking extra steps.

With the right nutrition, sunscreen and level of exercise, your skin will be your best feature in no time. Simply accessorise with a smile!

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